Rainy Season and "Binara Poya” 2019 - වස් කාලය සහ බිනර පෝය 2019
බිනර පොහොය මුල්කොට ගෙන පැවැත්වෙන විශේෂ දාන, සීල, භාවනා වැඩසටහන සැප්තැම්බර් 29 (ඉරිදා) උදෑසන 10:30 සිට සවස 4:00 දක්වා පැවැත්වේ.
- විශේෂ ආශීර්වාද, දාන,සීල, භාවනා, වැඩසටහන සහ බුද්ධ පූජාව.
- ඉරිදා දහම් පාසල
- අට විසි බුද්ධ පූජාව
There will be a special program on September 29 (Sunday) from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm to celebrate the "Binra Poya" 2019.
Program description
10:30am – 12:00pm | Offering Special milk rice and other items for the 07 Great Buddhas, Dhamma talk, sharing merits & blessings, (Dana) lunch for monks. |
12:00pm – 01:00pm | Lunch for others. |
01:00pm - 03:00pm | Sunday Dhamma school for kids |
03:00pm - 04:00pm | 28 Buddhas offerings, (if you like you my sponsor for the each Buddha for invoke blessings and sharing merits for you and your loved ones) |
You are welcome to participate for the entire program or for part of it. Please wear suitable and comparable clothing for the program. you are welcome to sponsor the event. For more information please contact the temple. Kentucky Meditation Peace Center & Buddhists Vihara (502-224-2564 / 502-915-7777) Email : reverendnanda@gmail.com